The Backerkit is now available for Meeples Together. If you supported us in the Kickstarter, you should already have received a link to finalize your purchase; if you missed the Kickstarter, this is your opportunity to preorder the book.
Besides preordering Meeples Together, you can also order Gameplaywright’s entire library of excellent books on game design and analysis. (Not pictured above, but available: The White Box Essays and Robin Laws’ Beating the Story.)
During the Kickstarter, we didn’t make our stretch goal to produce a book of co-op interviews. (Alas!) But just in case, Shannon talked to one of our most notably missing co-op designers, Nikki Valens, the designer of Arkham Horror 3e, Eldritch Horror, Mansions of Madness 2e, and Legacy of Dragonholt.
Here’s that’s interview:
And though they may not be in a book, all of Shannon’s co-op interviews are available online at his Mechanics & Meeples web site: